Monday, September 20, 2010

Halyomorpha halys

A surefire conversation starter: "So how do YOU deal with stink bugs?"
The nasty, smelly little creatures, sensing the cooler temperatures outside, are flocking into our homes. Literally dozens of them gather on my walls, curtains and windows. They get into closets. They fly slowly, with a droning noise, and land with a little thud on the wall -- or worse yet, on your shoulder or pillow.
And you can't squish them like houseflies, because then they emit the foul odor that gives them their name.
So I vacuum them up. I don't even bother to unplug the little Oreck vacuum because I use it so often. Other people drown them in the toilet, flushing after every dozen or so victims, or scoop them up, take them outside and crush them. Another friend goes outside with his tennis racquet and flails away at them, sometimes taking out two at once!
Yes, I know what you're thinking: I really do need to get out more often.

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