Monday, January 2, 2012


When the cold weather rolls around each autumn, I stack all the porch furniture, BBQ grill, hammock components, planters, etc. in one corner of the deck and cover them with a big blue tarpaulin. The first few winters I didn't secure the tarp very well and in every stiff wind it would end up in the middle of the yard. But this year, for a change, I did a great job, engineering the whole internal structure of the pile so that rain or snow will drain off via gravity, folding almost-hospital corners in the tarp, and weighting down the edges neatly and evenly. It wasn't budging til spring.
But what's that they say about the best-laid plans of mice and men? It was so warm on New Year's Day that I simply had to get out the grill to cook some tuna steaks. Which means I had to dismantle the whole production. No way will I ever be able to replicate those corners.

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