Thursday, January 17, 2013

Flu days

Let me tell you, it was pretty much a Slough of Despond at the local drugstore this morning. There was a long line of sick people waiting dispiritedly for their prescriptions, one looking more miserable than the next. One poor fed-up guy took issue with the prescription he'd been given, telling the pharmacist that he was certain it wasn't what his doctor had ordered, nor had he been given the proper number of pills. Meanwhile the intercom kept announcing yet another phone call for the pharmacist. It was about as cheerful as the Mines of Moria, if the Mines of Moria sold lozenges and tissues. I felt like apologizing for being so perky and healthy; I was just there to purchase a cane for an injured friend. I got out of there as fast as I could to avoid inhaling germs.

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