Friday, September 13, 2013

Too loud and too late

There's been a fair amount of grumbling -- some justified, some not -- over the lavish and loud fireworks display that occurred at 11:30 p.m. Sept. 7 following a wedding reception at the Stone Barn on Route 842. Unfortunately I slept through it, but I'm told it was quite a show, and people from near and far heard it or were awakened by it.
Many of the comments on social media the next day were along the lines of "rich Unionville people doing whatever they want, the heck with the rest of us" and "Bet they didn't have a permit!"
It's not my place to comment on the 1% remarks -- but yes, they actually did have a permit. The father of the bride, who lives outside of West Chester, spent months before the wedding jumping through all kinds of hoops to get permission for the display from the West Marlborough Township supervisors. The supervisors were quite worried that the noise might scare the high-dollar horses that live on neighboring farms and actually created the township's first-ever fireworks ordinance to ensure that neighbors would have fair warning.
Unfortunately, those heads-ups apparently didn't go as far as the sound did: the bangs and booms traveled far past just the adjoining West Marlborough farms, as far away as Longwood Gardens and way up to Stargazer Road. One Newlin Township resident reported that her horses were scared by the racket.
The timing of the display was also a problem. We are used to Longwood Gardens setting off its fireworks shortly after dusk, and they're over by 9:30 or so. This display was considerably later in the evening. 
Perhaps the supervisors might want to bear these factors in mind the next time someone seeks a fireworks permit?


  1. It's not the time, it's the act itself. The Stone Barn is surrounded by horse farms , some are breeding farms with mares and young foals. This time of year foals are being weaned from their mothers and don't need frightening things happening around them. I manage a farm in Newlin Twsp and it scared my horses. If they want fireworks, go to a public park where it is expected. I hope no animals were injured, and that the supervisors revise this ordinance.

  2. Thank you! I have revised to add your concerns, which I think are justified.
