Sunday, September 28, 2014

INSECTS: They might be Gnats

This weekend's adventures took us to Warwick County Park, which is off Route 23 near St. Peters Village. We discovered that the northern part of Chester County has been suffering from an invasion of gnats this summer. As soon as we stepped out of the car they started swarming around our heads. "Welcome to Warwick," commented a park ranger, seeing us trying to bat them away. We remarked on the pesky bugs to two other visitors and they said, "Oh, we're used to it." They said it's been like that all summer.
Fortunately they seemed to bother us only within the confines of the park. While we were being tourists at St. Peters Village, there were no gnats.
On the (indirect) way home we drove through the neighborhood where I grew up. Giant houses have sprung up everywhere. The perfectly nice houses where my friends lived have been massively expanded. I was sad to see that cool little modern house around the corner where I babysat--it was full of plants, dog hair, beaded curtains and hippie books--was torn down and replaced by a large, immaculate and perfectly landscaped house. A former farm down the street, where a venerable horse and a noisy donkey were always grazing near the fence, has been replaced by a mega-house. Instead of Duchess and Nick, there's only a weird wire statue of a horse in the front yard.

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