Thursday, May 28, 2015

AT THE Y: Jogging and the argument from first cause

Yesterday I was copyediting a series of PowerPoint slides for an introductory philosophy book (no college text is marketable these days without accompanying lecture guides, reading summaries and sample tests, it seems). In one section the author was explaining the classical arguments for the existence of God, at one point using the term "infinite regression of creators."
I was reminded of that phrase later that day when I stepped onto the indoor track at the Y. As regulars know, you're supposed to run clockwise on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays and counterclockwise the other days (to equalize wear on the track surface).
Well, it was Wednesday. But everyone was running counterclockwise.
What to do?
I joined 'em. It would have been pedantic to jog the "correct" way and disturb everybody else just for the sake of the rule. I decided to wait until everybody else on the track had finished running; then I would turn around and run the correct way, and everybody who came after me would follow my lead and do the same.
It didn't happen that way. More people kept coming in, and running the wrong direction, so I just gave up. I suppose the pattern had been established earlier in the day.

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