Saturday, July 11, 2015

UNIONVILLE: Wollaston Road is not a speedway

People who live on Wollaston Road in "downtown" Unionville are asking motorists to abide by the 25 m.p.h. speed limit and to remember that people and animals live in the neighborhood.
One friend wrote to me: "Folks make the turn onto Wollaston from 82 and are in third gear by the time they hit our little street (Buffington)." She said her husband bought two "Children Playing" signs and posted them "due to drivers' ridiculous disregard of the presence of young children in our little residential area. Speed bumps, judiciously placed, could help."
And my friend's daughter reports that "a young horse girl" driving a dark-blue pickup hit a dog on Wollaston Road, breaking the creature's leg, and almost hit the four-year-old walking the dog. The driver didn't even stop. I can't imagine.

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