Sunday, September 20, 2015

LIBRARY: Feasibility study shows the public isn't likely to donate

A banner on State Street highlights the importance of preserving the town's history.

In this week's library news, the feasibility study commissioned by the library board showed that there is not enough support in the community to launch a capital campaign to build a new, multimillion-dollar library. The people interviewed for the study, although they thought a new facility was a worthwhile project, cited a lack of confidence in the board's leadership and abilities. The controversial name change to "Kennett Public Library" was also mentioned as a problem.
I spoke to several people who were contacted, and they told the interviewer that the board is out of touch with the community and just doesn't have the necessary experience or connections.
The board will release the study after editing out the names of those who were interviewed. I'll get a copy and will let you know the details.

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