Tuesday, January 5, 2016

RENOVATIONS: Stimulating the economy

The financial news out of Wilmington has been fairly grim of late, but apparently someone still has money to play with. Today I drove down Old Kennett Road and saw a few huge houses being built, and others were getting serious additions. I saw some gracefully curving walls of windows and Tudor-style brickwork on one big place. Three or four HVAC trucks were parked outside of one large home on Kennett Pike, and a flatbed filled with lumber was headed down Nine Gates Road. One majestic house right at the state line appears to be undergoing a major renovation, including a new roof; I later found out that it's actually a brand-new replica of the classic early-20th-century house that used to stand there but had to be razed because of mold problems.
Closer to home, I saw some Amish workers renovating the stucco house on South Union and Mulberry Streets in Kennett Square; Wayne Simpson is the architect. I'll always think of it as "the pink house" because it used to be painted the color of Pepto-Bismol.

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