Sunday, January 31, 2016

SLEDDING: Lost and found in Pocopson

The Young Relative and his Patton pals spent the day after the blizzard sledding and playing football in the snow at Pocopson Elementary School. In the process, even though he'd stashed his phone in a securely zippered pocket, somewhere along the way it fell out. He was not happy when he noticed.
Simultaneously, his father started receiving odd text messages. It seems that the ingenious boy who found the phone started texting everyone in the phone's contact list. The father described to the texter what his son looked like and was wearing and -- happily -- the phone was soon returned to its extremely relieved owner, with great ceremony.
The YR's Dad added a fitting coda to the story. After all of this ruckus, he picked up his son at the end of the afternoon and they were ready to go home.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" he asked his son.
"No, Dad, here's the phone," replied the son, pointing to the cherished object.
"No," pointed out the father. "I meant your sled."

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