Sunday, February 28, 2016

UNIONVILLE: Mink sighting in West Marlborough

Driving home at night, I'm always careful to scan the roadsides for those telltale reflections from the eyes of creatures (it has to do with a light-reflecting surface in their eyes called the tapetum lucidum). We're accustomed to seeing deer (herds of them this winter!), opossums, skunks and squirrels, but on Saturday night at about 9:30 we encountered an animal we didn't recognize at all. It was all black and had a slim body and a full tail, like an elongated squirrel. It crossed in front of us and was a quick little runner. As soon as we got home we checked out Internet videos and came to the conclusion that it was a mink.
I asked friends on social media if that was possible, and learned that yes, minks do live around here. I heard about sightings on Frog Hollow Road, Hicks Road, Laurel Road, Tapeworm Road, and Route 100, and retired Unionville teacher Don Silknitter said he had spotted two just that day in his yard at Rokeby Hollow.

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