Wednesday, June 6, 2018

KENNETT: Which church is that?

Alfredo Corchado's June 2 op-ed piece in the "New York Times" about the vital role that Mexican immigrants play in small towns like Kennett Square has sparked a lot of local comment, pro and con.
The reporter made some excellent points about the impact that deportations and the ensuing worker shortages are having on mushroom farms and landscaping companies (not to mention horse farms), and he talked to a lot of knowledgeable people, like Chris Alonzo and Loretta Perna. The accompanying photograph shows the "Mushroom Capital of the World" water tower.
But I was left with one nagging question: What exactly was Mr. Corchado thinking of when he wrote, "Then and now, the most compelling sight in the town was its white steeple church"? 

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