Friday, August 9, 2019

WAWA: Hoagiefest playlist

Chances are all of my readers know what "Hoagiefest" is, but for those who don't, it's Wawa's annual summer sales promotion. Even though the event is purely commercial, the clever Wawa marketing people have turned it into something lighthearted and even communal. You hear people talking about Hoagiefest and, frankly, it's just plain fun to say "Hoagiefest." 
This year they've added something new: a soundtrack. I first noticed this at the Gap Wawa. While waiting for our subs to be made, I heard the words "touchscreen" and "turkey" in the song playing on the store's PA system and suspected this was not your standard top 40 hit.
I finally got around to asking about the theme song at the Avondale Wawa.
"Yeah, there are actually four of them," said the clerk. "And he's memorized them all (pointing to his coworker) and SINGS them!"
His colleague laughed and didn't deny it. The 2019 Hoagiefest playlist: "Love at the Wawa," "I95," "Ya Ya," and "Hoagiefest."

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