Thursday, December 26, 2019

CHILDREN: Raising the next generation

Parents of young kids, I am in awe of your stamina. I do some pretty tough exercise classes at the Y, but after spending only a few hours with two little ones on Christmas, we were exhausted. We didn't realize how quiet and serene our daily lives are.
The little boy was racing around with a newly empty cardboard box covering most of his body. It started out with no eye holes, but they were quickly added, then holes in the sides were cut out to accommodate his arms. Fortunately the Box Boy was intercepted before he could start whirling around in an office chair with wheels.
His sister was also unstoppable. She was striding around the house, intent on meeting her daily quota of steps (which she could track on her new smartwatch). Then she'd stop and say, "Let's play!" or tell me more details of her new "ginormous" doll house.
"Is it furnished?" I asked.
"Yes, there is furniture," she answered.
"Does it have a patio out back?" I asked.
Her eyes widened. "How did you KNOW?!"
Toward the end of the afternoon I turned to their father and asked, in wonder, "How do you do it?"  
He knew exactly what I meant. 
"I fake it," he replied. "I mean, I was pretty much asleep there on the sofa."

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