Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Loogie oogie oogie

I'm reading a book about how brain networks produce emotions in response to perceptions, and the author uses "disgust" as an example of a primary emotion that "may have evolved as a mechanism to assess whether something in the environment is edible or noxious."
I thought of this today when I saw a man park his silver Audi on State Street in the center of Kennett, get out, lock his car doors -- and then proceed to spit on the sidewalk.
I'm not a terribly squeamish person -- scat of many types holds no horrors for me -- but I've gotta say, that's pretty disgusting. Not to mention unhygienic, disrespectful and just plain gross.
Got phlegm? Spit it into a tissue, for goodness' sake! I'll give you one, I promise.

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