Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Store story

The folks who run the Kennett Giant are re-organizing the store, temporarily confusing regular shoppers who are used to finding certain foodstuffs in certain spots. I discovered this on Monday morning when I wheeled my cart into what used to be the organic food aisle and saw breakfast cereal instead. The expanded health-food section is now closer to the middle of the store.
The cheerful dairy department manager was doing her absolute best for the home team, assuring one especially irritated customer that once the renovation was done, the finished product would be well worth the inconvenience.
I asked two clerks where I could find applesauce. "Aisle 1," said one of them. "No, aisle 3," said the other. "Yeah, on the left side," agreed the first one.
It was in aisle 3, on the right side, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt: maybe he usually approaches that aisle from the other direction.

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