Wednesday, October 12, 2011


A super-sized thank you to Jimmy John's for improving my morning.
It's never a good sign when a red icon appears on your dashboard depicting a car up on a lift. I made an 8:30 a.m. appointment at my car dealership on Route 202 and stayed in the right lane all the way, constantly worrying that at any moment my car was going to seize up and would need to be towed the rest of the way.
Plus it was raining.
Plus it was rush hour.
Plus a key stretch of Route 926 was closed.
By the time I got to the Route 1/202 crossroads I was already 10 minutes late. Ahead of me a tractor-trailer used up the entire left-turn light to make his turn.
And then I saw the Jimmy John's billboard: "People who run behind cars get exhausted."
I laughed out loud, my irritation vanished and I remembered that any problem you can solve by throwing money at it really isn't a problem.

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