Saturday, July 14, 2012

Friday the 13th

Does Friday the 13th have some kind of a carryover effect on cars and humans?
This past weekend:
1. Two friends' car batteries died (one was well overdue, the other wasn't).
2. A light on my dashboard came on, alerting me that my oil had only 15% of its life left.
3. A stone chipped a friend's windshield while she was on her way to a family reunion ... and then she hit a pothole and wrecked a tire.
4. A local trainer came off her horse and broke her right hand. 
5. Two friends got stung by bees. One of them had a bad and first-time-ever allergic reaction, but fortunately she was at a party with doctors, vets and nurses.
6. The latter bee-sting victim also got stepped on by her horse. "But I still managed to ride," she said.

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