Saturday, February 9, 2013

Kennett is Cool ... and Strict

Don't forget that you have to feed the meters in Kennett Borough even on Saturdays!
On the afternoon of Saturday, Feb. 9, I was having a post-Nemo drink with a pal at the Half-Moon (a gin-and-tonic, so very inappropriate to the season) when I spotted the meter guy on his rounds, ticket book in hand. I raced out to my vehicle, which was parked nearby on State Street, and was pleasantly surprised to find that I hadn't been ticketed. It turns out that the meter still had someone else's time on it when I parked!
For safety's sake I put in another quarter, which gave me a total of 28 minutes, and I returned to the bar to finish my drink. But as they tend to do when you're with pleasant company, the first drink turned into a second, and before I knew it the meter guy returned! Fortunately I was sitting near the window and spotted him approaching. Once again I ran out, wallet in hand, dashed past him, and inserted another quarter JUST before he got to my car. 

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