Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Baby chicks!

On Monday morning at 8 a.m., I got a frantic call from a friend: her baby chicks had arrived at the Unionville Post Office, but her contractor's truck was blocking her driveway and she couldn't get out! I calmed her down and dashed over to her farm to pick her up.
First stop was the Embreeville Mill to buy two bags of chick feed (medicated). Then we went to the Post Office, and as soon as we walked in we heard the high-pitched cheeping noises coming from the cozy box they'd traveled in from Texas. As soon as Choon Ok handed us the box, we took the little guys (n = 4) and girls (n = 24) home.
My friend had already set up in her garage a big black tub, lined with shavings and newspaper, and had rigged up a heat lamp over the top. One at a time she gently removed the chicks from the box, dipped their beaks into the water feeder so they'd know where it was, and then set them down on the newspaper.

They immediately started bustling around, pecking at the feed and trying to fly. My friend said in a short time she'd have to put a screen over the top of the trough to keep them from flying off.
You'll notice on the shipping label that they included a "free rare exotic chick." We had fun trying to figure out which one it was and burst out singing "One of these things is not like the other..." We settled on a gray one that didn't seem to have a twin.

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