Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The right path

A pal of mine invited me over this afternoon to take a walk through her wonderful flower garden. She has a splendid green thumb and her hydrangeas, phlox, echinacea, yarrows, roses (the ones the deer spared, that is) and Shasta daisies are growing like gangbusters. In addition to her main garden she has various other borders around the property, including one with Crocosmia, a marvelous plant I'd never seen before. It's a native of South Africa and has a stalk like a gladiolus but a spray of stunning small bright-red flowers. She also let me eat some blueberries from her five bushes.
One thing I love about gardening friends is that they like to share. On a previous visit I left with a muddy cardboard box full of hostas she was ripping out to make a new garden bed (they're thriving here!). And every time I see the ajuga at the edge of her yard I think of the late Teddy Marvin, who lived at Dunleigh Castle opposite the entrance to New Bolton Center; his ajuga is still spreading under my walnut tree.

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