Wednesday, August 7, 2013


If you're seeing a lot of horse trailers out in the early, early morning, here's why: the foxhunters are getting ready for their season.
Some hunts are doing "hound walking" and others have already started "cubbing." The idea is to get the young hounds used to the idea of chasing foxes, for the young foxes to get used to leading the hounds on a merry chase and for the horses and riders to get back into the swing of things, supposedly at a slower pace (that doesn't always happen, from what I hear). The dress code is less formal than during the "real" season.
These dress rehearsals start much earlier in the day, too. The Cheshire hunt is still hound walking, which starts at 7 a.m.
But two of my dearest pals, who hunt with Andrews Bridge, get up at 3:30 in the morning to get their horses and themselves groomed and ready for a 6 a.m. start.
"You're home by 8:30, and you've already been up for five hours!" one said.

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