Thursday, October 10, 2013

Let me explain

Blow Horn: you either totally get what all the fuss is about -- or you don't.
For me and the "Occupy Blow Horn" crowd, the reappearance of the sign on Oct. 6 means that tradition has triumphed in a world that, sadly, tends not to honor the customs of yesteryear. The sign was a comforting, loyal friend, much like That Tree (whose demise also triggered an outpouring of emotion from far and wide). One man who lives up the road from the sign used the word "romance" to describe our relationship with it, and he may be right.
Blow Horn also makes a great signpost: "Turn left at Blow Horn" is an easy shorthand if you're giving directions to The Whip. One friend confessed that for years he didn't know the exact name of Route 841 -- and with Blow Horn there, he didn't need to.
But a lot of people just don't understand -- alas, some of my own family members among them.
"Why," they ask me, baffled, "would you actually want someone blowing their horn in front of your house?"

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