Tuesday, November 5, 2013

London Grove signs

London Grove village is going to get some new traffic signs at Route 926 and Newark Road. From what the West Marlborough Township supervisors have been told, PennDOT will shortly install (1) a double-pointed arrow to alert westbound motorists that if they continue going straight on Route 926 they'll run smack into a hill and (2) a "No Left Turn" sign on Newark Road to discourage southbound drivers from turning left directly onto 926 instead of taking the little jog and stopping at the stop sign.
At the Nov. 4 township meeting, Supervisor Hugh Lofting used a map drawn on a piece of old cardboard by his son, road crew supervisor Hugh Lofting Jr., to illustrate where the new signs would be located. (There was a great deal of hilarity and good-natured ribbing about the younger Lofting's distinctly low-tech -- but effective -- artwork. And friends wonder why I refuse to miss a single township meeting.)

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