Thursday, January 30, 2014

Road hazards

It shouldn't be news that I detest driving along Baltimore Pike from Longwood Gardens to the Route 1 bypass. Not only do people speed, but they drive carelessly and recklessly. I've mentioned before that I refuse to turn right on red onto Baltimore Pike after shopping at Staples: go ahead and honk at me, but there are just too many careless, distracted drivers who try to beat the light.
Well, the newest outrage is that motorists who are driving southbound (toward Kennett) are using the right-turn lane as a passing lane. Or they're getting into the turning lane as soon as possible and then failing to turn until they've passed several driveways. One motorist this evening got into the turning lane by the Wawa and blew by me. Last I saw the car he or she was passing Onix Drive, still in the right lane.
One reader suggested that people driving like [he used an entirely appropriate epithet] is really nothing new, and unfortunately he may have a valid point.
Another reader correctly pointed out that "people unfamiliar with the road never know how soon to get in the right-turn lane. Do we need to wait until after Sears if we want to take the Kennett exit? Or after Wendy's? Within maybe 200 feet you have exits for Wendy's, Sears, the hotel, Walmart and Kennett, and maybe I missed one. Here's hoping PENNDOT is reading."
Twenty-five years ago, when that stretch of road still featured the Anvil Inn, Hugo's, the Longwood Inn, and Phillips Mushroom Museum, the Kennett Paper ran a diagram showing what Baltimore Pike would look like if all the proposed developments were built out and the road was widened. It has come to pass.


  1. I agree wholeheartedly. But people unfamiliar with the road never know how soon to get in the right-turn lane. Do we need to wait until after Sears if we want to take the Kennett exit? Or after Wendy's? Within maybe 200 feet you have exits for Wendy's, Sears, the hotel, Walmart and Kennett, and maybe I missed one. Here's hoping PENNDOT is reading.

  2. While there are reckless drivers in all parts, I find this post misleading. The traffic signs on Route 1 south between the Wawa and Sears indicate that the right hand lane is a through lane - not solely a turning lane. After Sears, the right lane is for turning only. While people should not pass on the right, it frustrates me that more people do not avail themselves of the right hand though lane as I believe that it would ease congestion.
