Saturday, June 27, 2015

SUMMER STORM: Restoration drama after an intense storm

The big news this week was the storm that hit in the late afternoon of Tuesday, June 23. Although it blew through quickly, the rain and wind were intense. The storm destroyed many trees, knocking out power to large chunks of the area. Downtown Kennett, including the Y, was out of power all day Wednesday, and the Dukes of Destiny concert at Anson B. Nixon Park, the first in the summer series, had to be cancelled. Hood's BBQ was open thanks to a generator. The Unionville post office was running on partial power, thanks to a very long extension cord stretching across the parking lot from the Po-Mar-Line fire hall.
Utility workers were called in from all over the region, but some unfortunate souls in remote pockets didn't get their power restored until late Friday afternoon. Some roads in the Birmingham Township area, near Route 202, were still blocked by downed limbs on Saturday.
The storm was weirdly sporadic, though. I talked to some people who never lost power, but had next-door neighbors who were out for hours. Damage was also localized: a friend told me about one unfortunate couple who lost the tree that was the main reason they bought their property.

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