Friday, July 17, 2015

AVOIRDUPOIS: Everything tastes good on a red-checked tablecloth

I regret to say that I have put on a couple of pounds, and I know exactly why: weekend picnics. It is so hard to resist when you are faced with BBQ chicken, pasta salad, mac-and-cheese, chocolate-chip cookies, whoopie pies, and ice cream. You think you're safe and fill your plate with smart choices like salad and vegetables and watermelon and then your hostess says something along the lines of, "The dessert table is this way!"
Even the Blogger app that I use to write "Unionville in the News" mocks me! To prove that I am not a robot when posting, Blogger shows me nine extremely appetizing photos of food -- sushi, blueberry pie, and the like -- and asks me to check the ones that depict pizza. Oh, so helpful, Blogger.
Now I'm going to take a break and make some deviled eggs.

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