Sunday, October 25, 2015

RED FACES: Two mortifying things that happened to other people

On Saturday I witnessed two embarrassing moments and my first reaction to both was, "thank goodness it wasn't me this time!"
Near the beginning of a memorial service, as everyone was settling into silence, a friend's cell phone rang. She manage to silence it after a few chimes, and it was funny to watch everyone else quickly putting a hand into pocket or purse to make sure their phones were muted, too.
And at intermission at an Irish music concert, a gentleman accidentally knocked an Orangina bottle off the counter onto a tile floor. It shattered, sending glass shards flying yards away. He asked the attendant for a broom and dustpan and swept it up. (His family kept pointing out small flecks of glass he missed.) After he finished he said, "I'm just going to crawl away now."

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