Monday, October 26, 2015

TASK FORCE: Library task force issues its mission statement

This information about the task force was released Oct. 26, and I reprint it verbatim. It is on the Kennett Township website.

"Kennett Township and Kennett Borough have created a Task Force in order to support the library in addressing community concerns and rebuilding community support for the library in order to be successful in building a new library.  

The other participating municipalities have been invited to join the Task Force. The library is an important asset to our entire community and we need to continue the support!

The mission of the Library Task Force (LTF) is to inform, enrich and educate the members of the community of the value of the Kennett Public Library aka Bayard Taylor Library (library). In accomplishing its mission, the LTF will create unified support and vision for the future of the library, establish financial transparency, create and formalize professional communication channels and assist the library in determining the appropriate location for a new library and seeing it through to completion. 
Goals of the LTF:
• Create and formalize communication channels
• Assist the library in determining the location of the new library and seeing it through to construction
• Establish financial transparency 
• Inform the public of the value of the library – PR
• Unified support and vision for the future of the library 
• One representative from each of the participating municipalities 
• One representative from the Library Board."

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