Saturday, December 19, 2015

PARTY: Warming things up

Things got a little heated at a Christmas party I attended last Tuesday in East Marlborough, and I'm not talking about the discussions of local politics. Everything was going great (even though the hostess had a concussion); the refreshments were tasty and plentiful and the guests were amusing and well informed.
Toward the end of the evening, the juices from a dish of homemade meatballs dripped into the tea light underneath that was keeping them warm. The warmer started smoking, and the hostess' daughter carefully removed the meatballs and deposited the warmer base into the kitchen sink. So far, so good, until the man-of-action host splashed water on the still-burning candle: because of the grease, it flared up all the way to the ceiling with a loud "whoosh." We all thought the kitchen curtains were history!
After that near-calamity, he left it to burn itself out.

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