Saturday, January 6, 2018

KENNETT: Cold case

We were at the Giant at 8:30 p.m. on a Saturday night -- yes, this is kind of social life Tilda has when it's 10 degrees outside. The self-service registers were being a little finicky, possibly due to the cold, or maybe they were just toying with the amusingly laid-back attendant.
The man next to us was having trouble getting his register to work, when the attendant pointed out that the bottom edge of the shopper's coat was on the scale, impeding his check-out progress.
We pointed out that this could be useful if he wanted to know how much his coat weighed.
"I hope it's heavy," he said good-naturedly, "because it's really cold out."
In weather like this, I so appreciate having an inside job and indoor pets. The only reason I really need to go outside, in fact, is to fill the bird feeder each morning. You've probably heard the same stories I have about frozen pipes, heaters on the fritz, dead car batteries and overloaded circuit-breakers.
The Kennett Walmart earlier in the week was fully stocked with space heaters; on Saturday morning, though, only a few high-end models remained. Lowe's in Avondale still had a good supply of snow shovels and rock salt (and all the blends thereof).  

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