Thursday, April 12, 2018

YMCA: Up, up and away

On April 7 the Kennett YMCA celebrated the 100th release of one of its exercise programs, "Body Attack," by hosting a grand all-morning-long fitness fest in the gymnasium. For weeks the excited instructors talked of little else. From being told so often, we participants knew by heart that the event would start at 8 a.m., that there would be cake, and that we could stay for as many classes as we wanted.
When the big day finally arrived, one instructor inflated three large gold balloons (in the shape of a 1 and two 0s) with helium and brought them into the gym. Alas! One escaped from its anchor. They instructors looked on in horror as it rose inexorably toward the very high ceiling. 
But gym teachers, who have to cope routinely with malfunctioning stereos and dead microphone batteries, are a flexible lot in more ways than one. One of them had the bright idea of trying to reach it with the long-handled pool skimmer. One of the pool attendants brought it over, attached a hook to the end, snagged the errant digit and brought it back down to earth.
Where it was quickly secured, just in time for the 8 a.m. Body Attack launch.

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