Wednesday, May 23, 2018

UNIONVILLE: Tough Mudder survivor

I had the chance to talk to a friend who survived the Tough Mudder extreme athletic competition at Unionville's Plantation Field. She had the good fortune to do the race -- her fourth and, she claims, final one -- on Sunday, May 20, when the sun appeared for the first time in many days. The masochists who competed the day before had had to deal with a steady driving rain and temperatures in the 50s.
Despite the sunshine, she said, the mud was a foot thick throughout the hilly course, which greatly slowed the going and left her ankles aching two days later. It took her and her husband four and a half hours to finish, and because of a longstanding shoulder problem she had to skip several of the obstacles that involved overhead swinging. And unlike previous years, she said, she did not carry her husband through the "carry your partner" sections of the course.
Her favorite obstacle, she said, was one where you are immersed in a pit full of filthy water and have to clamber over triangular, rotating metal barrels. (She actually grinned while describing this.)

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