Friday, July 27, 2018

COUNTRY ROADS: A traffic situation

Dearest Partner is on the road all day every day, so he remains patient in the face of distracted driving, speeding, stop-sign running, and other baffling behind-the-wheel decisions.
Me, not so much.
I was heading to the Y the other evening and stopped at a stop sign because a motorist on the main road had her turn signal on, preparing to turn into my road. All of a sudden the woman behind me pulled around me, blocking the lane for the oncoming driver.
I looked over at her incredulously.
"Oh," she said peevishly. "I thought you were stopped."
Had I been capable of speech, I would have pointed out that yes, I WAS in fact stopped -- for an oncoming motorist who HAS THE RIGHT OF WAY!
She then pulled out onto the main road.
The turning motorist and I looked at each other as if to say, "What just happened here?"
I know most people out here, but I didn't recognize this woman. I wanted to get her tag number, but she sped off (what a surprise).

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