Saturday, December 15, 2018

KENNETT: A walk in the park

To clear our muddled heads, Dearest Partner suggested a walk in Anson B. Nixon Park. Even though it was cloudy and freezing, we had a pleasant time -- as long as we kept up a brisk pace rather than a leisurely stroll.
The park wasn't entirely empty. We saw folks walking their dogs, kids playing on the playground equipment, and a young couple who I assumed were on a date -- she was holding a bouquet wrapped in plastic. The only critters we saw, other than the dogs on leashes, were geese and one stock-still squirrel. Ice was starting to form on the ponds.
As we walked past the amphitheater, we couldn't help but notice how different the wintertime park is from the Wednesday evenings in the summer, when the park hosts free concerts: there were no little kids dancing in front of the stage, no musicians taking a break out back, no merch table.

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