Thursday, February 7, 2019

WEST MARLBOROUGH: Township business

The West Marlborough Township Board of Supervisors had a brief, routine meeting on February 5.
Supervisor Bill Wylie took a moment to remember Elizabeth "Baz" Powell, who died on Jan. 10 at age 90. He said he asked the township secretary, Shirley Walton, to find out how long Baz had served on the township's zoning hearing board: since at least 2001, and probably long before that, they discovered. Baz had just been reappointed to the board in 2019.
"I feared her questions," Mr. Wylie said with a smile. "She was always very direct."
Road master Hugh Lofting Sr. presented a year-end report from East Marlborough Police Chief Bob Clarke for 2018. (The township hires the East Marlborough police department to cover West Marlborough on a part-time basis.) "Clarkie" reported that there were 288 calls from West Marlborough residents to 911, and the East Marlborough police worked for 150 hours over 38 patrol days, made four arrests, and issued 12 citations and 26 warnings.
Mr. Lofting also reported that the emergency services committee is still working on developing a formula for how best to fund the Po-Mar-Lin, Avondale and Modena companies that serve the township.
The supervisors thanked the Chester County Conservation District for funding the now-completed Runnemede Road bridge project, which involved replacing a crumbling bridge on the one-lane rural road.

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