Wednesday, March 4, 2020

HEADLIGHTS: Middle of the road

Are you stuck in a political conversation that's going downhill fast?
I have hit upon a guaranteed solution. Just change the subject to the blindingly bright headlights on cars these days, and the two of you will find yourself in immediate agreement.
It's not just a matter of aging eyes, either. I've heard from people of all ages that they are reluctant to drive at night because it's gotten so stressful. A couple I know will call a ride-hailing service rather than drive just a few miles to go to dinner.
"I actually have to stop on the road," said one friend. The new headlights seem to be even brighter than what used to be high beams. And rain makes the dazzling, blue-tinged headlights even worse. 
I've tried to pick out which vehicles are especially bad, but I couldn't reach any conclusion: one Saab or Kia, or Mini or pickup, can be awful, but then the next is fine.
The other night I was eastbound on Hood Road and came to the stop sign at Route 841. The headlights on the car across the intersection were so bright that I simply couldn't tell if anyone was approaching on the main road. I had to wait for the other car to turn before I felt safe pulling out. And it wasn't until a mile down the road that my eyes returned to normal rather than snowblindness mode.
So next time someone's wagging their finger in your face, turning red and screaming "He's EVIL!" ... just say, "Isn't it awful driving at night these days?" 
It works. Take it from Tilda.

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