Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Long way home

A friend attended a recent afternoon Phillies game and suggested stopping by my house afterward and going out for an early dinner. "Delighted!" I said.
He called at the end of the game, 4:16 p.m., and said he was on his way.
At 4:50 p.m. I got a text message, "I'm still in the parking lot. Ugh."
At 6:12 p.m. he phoned again. This time he was on Route 322 approaching Route 1.
Finally, just before 7, he arrived here and pretty much collapsed on my deck, poor guy.
Turns out that not only was the Phillies game letting out, but it was rush hour AND the day before the start of a long holiday weekend -- AND President Obama was in town for an event, which always wreaks havoc with traffic flow.
So the "early dinner" turned out to be tuna subs at Landhope at 7:45 p.m.

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