Friday, March 16, 2012

Non-bumper sticker

While sitting in traffic on Route 1 between Longwood Gardens and Route 1, I noticed a bumper sticker on the car in front of me. Its topic was politics, but far more interesting was its location: it wasn't on the bumper; it was on the trunk lid.
Now why would someone put a bumper sticker facing upward? Is the intended audience only people who drive SUVs and pickups and sit up high? If so, what kind of a demographic would that be, Red or Blue?
Alternatively, is there a dent or stain on the trunk lid the owner wanted to cover?
Between pondering those questions and watching the road machinery grinding up the pavement, I was amply entertained.


  1. Amply entertained? A friend told me about your blog, and I've read several of your blog posts. That you are entertained by the location of a bumper sticker, that you post about it, to me is a real head scratcher. Your fascination reminds me of that which captured the attention of my kids when they were in elementary school... I think the blog for the local community is an interesting idea. But keep the bar high for heaven's sake.

  2. Hey, we all have different ideas of what we find interesting and amusing. All I know is that people tell me they turn straight to my column in the paper as soon as it arrives and read every word -- so I must be doing something right. (And they're not just my family members, either!)
