Saturday, March 24, 2012

Testing... testing...

This time of year we read a lot of serious stories about PSSAs and how important they are, how they affect school districts' reputations and hence property values, etc. Those quoted in these stories are all worried-sounding adults. I thought I'd get a different viewpoint: someone who actually takes the tests.
So how did they go? I asked the elementary-school member of the Tally-ho family.
Good, he said. He liked the math test better than the reading one, but he found neither one particularly challenging. He couldn't remember any especially interesting problems.
Had he made any special preparations for the tests?
"Not really," he said. "I felt confident."
Next up is the science PSSA, as well as a writing test: a five-page essay (which I know he will totally ace).
He said what most impressed him about the whole experience was that the teachers allowed the kids to have extra recess time outside after the tests. Now there's incentive!

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