Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Great Ejection

My West Marlborough friend and neighbor Helen Martin told me that Tyndale Society (USA), of which she is secretary, will be holding a seminar at London Grove Friends Meeting House on Saturday, September 8, to mark the 350th anniversary of “Black Bartholomew” (August 24, 1662), "when almost 2,000 gospel ministers were ejected from their pulpits for reasons of conscience and England was left in religious turmoil from which it long suffered... The event marked the beginning of a period of severe persecution for Quakers and Roman Catholics also, and proved to be a watershed for the advance of religious liberty in general in the English-speaking world."
Speakers will include:

-- Dr. Carl Trueman, the Academic Dean and Professor of Church History, Westminster Theological Seminary, Chestnut Hill, will be speaking on "A Tale of Two Ejections: Richard Baxter, John Owen and 1662."
-- Historian Barbara Cross will share "Ministries Sealed by Suffering: Thomas Watson & Edmund Calamy," some forgotten heroes of the era.
-- Helen's brother, retired Avondale District Justice Tom Martin, will discuss "John Bunyan’s Imprisonment: Impact on America."
Something I really want to see is a unique folio copy of the "Book of Common Prayer" prepared for the Archbishop of Canterbury that is going to be on display. "This very rare 1662 book was the standard to which all university professors and English clergy were to conform."
The seminar will start at 9 a.m. and will run until 1 p.m. Suggested voluntary contribution is $10, and light refreshments will be served.
Helen asked me to say that everyone is welcome.

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