Saturday, January 5, 2013

So much work to do

If you saw me at the post office, the gym, a party or the grocery store over the holidays, you may have thought, "My goodness, Tilda looks a bit harried!"
There's a reason for that.
In mid-November I had finished up all of my editing projects, so I sent out emails to my clients saying, "Hey, got anything in the pipeline for me?"
They all got back to me.
They all said, "YES!"
And I wasn't exactly in a position to turn them down, now, was I!
So in the past few weeks I've edited books on perioperative pain management, criminal procedure, the positive psychology of love, men's sexual problems (nice juxtaposition there!), musculoskeletal imaging, psychotherapy research, the American legal system, women in global politics, and a critical approach to the psychology of work. Next up is a 24-chapter book about "how we make decisions and how those decisions go wrong."

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