Wednesday, March 27, 2013

To their credit

This afternoon I made a significant purchase at Staples, but I suppose upgrading my computer every 10 years really isn't extravagant. Maybe a minute later, just as I reached my car in the parking lot, my phone rang. It was an automated call from my credit card company asking if I had authorized the purchase. Yes, I told them.
I'm impressed. I don't know what tipped them off, whether it was the amount or the fact that electronics are a favorite target of scammers, but I like the fact that their algorithms flagged the transaction immediately. Well done!


  1. Did you get "upsold"? Apparently, it is impossible to leave Staples with a new computer without also buying accessories or peripherals. Some even say that the salesmen find a reason to nix the sale if they discover you are not going to "accesorize" your purchase, since their pay formula penalizes such a sale.

  2. I got away pretty well unscathed! I bought the cheaper version of Word and nixed the warranty or tech support, but I did pay a tech guy to configure the new computer and transfer over my data.
