Sunday, October 19, 2014

PINK FLOYD: Everything under the sun is in tune

A Baby Boomer-age friend reported that earlier in the day she had been listening to Pink Floyd's 1973 classic album "Dark Side of the Moon" -- but for some reason she was feeling discombobulated rather than soothed; her head was "filled with dark forebodings." Eventually she realized why: her device was playing it in "shuffle" mode rather than straight through, the way it should be played and the way she was used to hearing it -- like all of us who grew up in the 1970s. After dozens of listenings, you sensed without thinking when the screaming lady was going to start screaming, and you knew to turn down the volume before the alarm bells blasted out your headphones.
"Dark Side of the Moon" was a soundtrack to our adolescent years, the backdrop to many enjoyable moments, and it just doesn't sound the same broken up into individual tracks. Then again, it was still great listening, even when the car's eight-track tape player would click over to the next track in the middle of a song.

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