Friday, July 24, 2015

OVERSEAS: Kindergarten teacher and her son travel to China

Bob Connolly was kind enough to write and tell me that his wife, Joanne Connolly (a teacher at the Mary D. Lang Kindergarten Center) is in China for three weeks teaching English. This summer she took along their son, Kennett High School senior Sean Connolly, as her teacher's assistant.
The travelers are keeping a blog about their travels and adventures at
I especially enjoyed reading one entry from Joanne:
"I have to say that I am proud of Sean.  He's tried every single food that has been placed in front of him no matter how disgusting it looked.....and with chopsticks! He is a hungry boy so his fine motor skills have improved significantly over the past couple of days."
Replied Bob: "Meanwhile. . . Dad goes hungry."



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