Saturday, April 30, 2016

BERLIN: This market sounds like downtown Kennett

A classmate of mine, Steve Rogerson, lives in Nottingham, England, but constantly seems to be hopping on planes and traveling all over the world writing about beer (yes, apparently there is such a job).
Anyway, the reason I'm mentioning this is that Steve was in Berlin last week and wrote about "Street Food Thursday" at a downtown market (Markthalle Neun, 42 Eisenbahnstrasse) where they serve things like "Crunchy Fried Meatballs with olive oil Potato Mash and Apple ´n Cucumber Slaw" and "grilled cheese sandwiches: Blue Cheese, Cranberry Jam, walnuts, and Habanero-Tomato Sauce." 
Steve shared a photo of a brewstall called Heidenpeters; "they brew the beer in the basement of the market hall."
It sounded a lot like downtown Kennett!

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