Thursday, September 13, 2018

DENTIST: The five boroughs

My dental hygienist is not only gentle with the pointed tools of her trade but also an excellent storyteller. When I was in her chair the other day, she was telling me about her so far futile attempts to book a discount flight to New Orleans.
Her hopes were stymied when the customer service agent informed her that her desired dates were blacked out, and anyway the hoped-for discount applied only to passengers with "Gold" and "Silver" status; she, the woman pointed out, had only "Blue" status.
At one point in her repeated calls, my friend was making small talk and asked the agent where she was from.
"New York," the woman answered.
"Oh, Manhattan?" my friend asked.
"No, Queens!" replied the outraged agent, offended that the customer hadn't recognized her distinctive accent.
My friend said she wanted to respond, "What am I, Professor Henry Higgins?" but "I figured she wouldn't know what I was talking about."

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