Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Civil War Road Show

A traveling exhibit called he Civil War Road Show will be coming to Chester County this summer.
"Although no battles were waged on our soil, Chester County had a tremendous network of Underground Railroad stations and was home to many pre-war abolitionists," according to the Chester County Parks & Recreation Department's website. "During the War, the county provided men for soldiers, charitable and medical relief via women’s organizations, and materials through the iron-making industry. Our railroad system, iron and steel industry, and agricultural wealth were vital to the war effort. After the war ended, the county’s contributions continued by operating the largest Veteran Orphanage, as well as other organizations such as the School Savings Bank."
The exhibit will be bivouaced at Penn State's Great Valley campus from July 28 through Aug. 1 (end of July: barring more snow days, Unionville students will probably be finished the 2010-11 school year by then). The website is: http://www.chesco.org/ccparks/site/default.asp. (And, unless they've changed it, you'll recognize the photo at the top of that website: it's the shopping center at Willowdale!)

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