Thursday, June 6, 2013


At the end of the monthly West Marlborough Township supervisors' meeting on June 4, longtime township resident Baz Powell said she was concerned about the spread of invasive bamboo in the township. Township zoning officer Al Giannantonio said he is familiar with the actions that other municipalities have taken to control this tenacious, fast-growing grass and would look into what West Marlborough could do.
A "Unionville in the News" fan said she read with great interest my item a few weeks back about controlling multiflora rose and mile-a-minute vine; I had mentioned that this was a hot topic of conversation at a breakfast party I attended. I want to alert her, and my other readers dealing with invasives, to the website The group has taken aim specifically at mile-a-minute and offers all kinds of useful information. (Thank you, Dan Maffei, for the tip!)


  1. A group called the "Mad Gardeners" up in Connecticut have dedicated a large part of their volunteer efforts to controlling Mile A Minute. Check out their website

  2. Thank you, Dan! Will do. I know it's really bad at a tennis court where I play.
