Friday, September 20, 2013

Smart cars

Have you noticed a lot more of those tiny Smart cars on the road? I saw this one in the parking lot on Union Street in Kennett between State and Cypress Streets. A friend of mine in England has one, loves it, and wants me to get one. I agreed with him that they are very cute, economical, environmentally friendly and easy to park -- but I would also need to purchase a pickup truck as well. He lives in a small flat with no garden, and never seems to haul things around or to make large grocery or Lowe's runs.

And speaking of easy to park: I've noticed recently that quite a few motorists on State Street in Kennett are parking so far away from the curb that cars have to veer into the other lane to get past them. Your tires should be INSIDE those white markings on the pavement when you park, not outside them. I remember the days when you would risked a ticket if you parked farther than a foot away from the curb; perhaps borough council could reinstitute that practice as a new money-maker?
Anyhow, those who need a refresher course in parallel parking should head out to a parking lot on Sunday afternoon and practice the way we used to as teens. It's not tricky; it's just a matter of geometry and practice. Think of it as a yoga pose.

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